Sunday, July 16, 2006

sweet sms review day...

pls note: if u cant stand sweet loving, mushy stuff.. pls DO NOT read tis entry.

i always wanted to do tis.. but i have been delayin... delay no more n so here it is...

msg: hey hey since we can click quite well, wanna try dating? haha (280506, 08:35:52)
his first sms asking for a date.. was surprised though. hahah

msg: haha k all my messages to you will be super express liao. +_+ (280506, 11:21:06)
i was complainin tt his msges used to be soooooooooo lag

msg: Dear i miss you so so so so much. ;( (070606, 23:32:41)
tis was his first msg when he went taiwan.. was kinda shocked tt he miss me so fast though.. yeah! happy...

msg: Dear words cant describe how much i miss you. ;( (080606, 20:56:38)
day 2's msg... so cool.. i like his usage of words..

msg: Muacks! I miss you too. Din noe wad missing a person is so painful till now. (080606, 23:04:11)
ok.. i was having sth impt at work n was kinda relieved his sms still came...

msg: Hi dear! Day 3 le. 3 more days. Miss your voice, miss your smile, miss your everthing. Especially miss you saying 'oh pls' haha. Muacks (100606, 01:14:48)
i like tis msg the most... so sweet.. was exceptionally touched when he remembers the few words tt have always been hangin ard my mouth.. the feeling was quite memorable..

msg: Hey i sorted thinfs out le.I think i have been selfish and self centred and it would be unfair for you to get into a relationship. Its gonna be hard for us with my attitude (200606, 17:58:55)
i posted some qns to him.. n i guessed it struck his mind whether he is ready for a r/s. sad.

msg: You made me realise that a relationship involves much more than giving to each other. I dun want you to feel hurt next time. I wan you to be happy (200606, 18:05:39)
pple always says tt they wan their partners to be happy n thus they left. but how do u noe tt person will be much happier w/o u? i wonder...

msg: No need for it la thanks. Since its so difficult for both of us. I guess we both need more time. (210606, 23:07:30)
i tink i made him cry... sorry.. wanted to offer him a hug.. but...

msg: Sry if i am self centred but i wanna tink if i am ready for a relationship or even dating (210606, 23:15:21)
im a little confused here.. wad shld i do next? thr's nth i cld do but to let him cool off n tink for himself first. =(

msg: Thats so sweet! Muacks! (220606, 09:53:35)
ok.. i gave a few days of time out n sent him a msg filled with kisses.. n i tink tis was the last kiss i ever got from him on sms.. gosh im feeling sad typing tis now...

msg: hey (my name) i am really sorry about it. I really loved you but i guess i am not ready for commitment. I do not want you to get hurt because of my irresponsibility. Hugs ( 250606, 12:01:30)
ok.. i called him on sunday.. the dateline i gave him.. n he told me tt he wasnt ready... tis msg came after we hang up on phone.. i wept.. i loved him too.. its saddenin when 2 pple r in love with each other but yet they cant get together..

msg: Haha wanna meet tonight? I feel like huggin you. (250606, 14:36:40)
our last hug b4 we officially ended our one mth's date. exactly 4 weeks ago on a sunday we started datin, 4 weeks later on a sunday we have to part. ok.. i shld stop.. tears comin soon..

almost forgot... his 46secs of call while he is in taiwan... hahaha.. called just to hear my voice... for the first time i found him so silly... but i enjoy tt... =P

finally.. tis entry is up... i dun wanna lose these sweet impt msges so have decided to put them here b4 i delete them from my phone.. thr's no more spaces in my phone... i warned u guys b4 readin tis.. so dont blame me for ur goosebumps!


reversible---signing off.

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