Monday, November 13, 2006

TV blues

alright... my trusted tv specially imported from japan n cost a few grands (in e past, it was a big hoo-haa alright?) actually broke down after 8 yrs of service??!!! the whole screen just turned yellow.. n now im watching everything with yellow as the base.. white background turns yellow, blue turns green n all.. n yes, its irritatin my eyes... in my previous house, the tv lasted more than 12 yrs la can... now gotta pester my mum to get it fixed... n mind u, im having my holiday now.. how am i gonna survive without the tv??!! okay, i still have another in my mum's room.. -_-

oh did i tell u, i went running this afternoon?? yes... finally...

reversible---signing off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so are you attach yet?