A lazy Saturday...ok.. met up with eric yesterday n decided to laze ard at a cafe.. wilson came wif his frens for a while before we ended the boring saturday nite...so just let pictures do the talkin...
yes, we were bummin ard at Rocky Master just outside orchard cineleisure...
here's a glimpse of the counter... ya.. its saturday n its not very crowded... lolx...
here's eric... very occupied with his psp n his dunno-wad-the-heck drink which cost $3+ +
here's me n my warm earl grey tea... its nice!!
while mr eric is busy with his psp... ive decided to play wif his phone..
i tot it wld be nice to add some captions in tis pic.. eh but i lack e skills.. help anyone??
still engrossed with his game... -_-'''
alrite.. here's the two of us after eric decided to take a break.. lolx
its me again.. la la la... dun puke...
as u can see... im getting bored...
eric munching away with his soup pie...
okay... let's end tis lazy entry with tis... its a lazy saturday...
reversible---signing off @ bummin ard on a saturday.