Alright, to prepare for the new school term, I have bought myself some stuff. Of which would include:
My Fujitsu Notebook. As mentioned in earlier entry, its a simple looking notebook which provide the essentials. =)
Even the soles are cool. Did you managed to spot the difference?
Apart from these 2 items, I have also gotten myself some new clothes and Mike was thinking that I should have spent more than enough on my wardrobe. Of cos, I beg to differ. *winks*
Also, managed to finish Gong in 4 days. Cool yeah? Oh well, romance series never fail to capture my attention. Is it because I do not have it, so I can seek some comfort from these romance shows to make up for it??
School is starting tomorrow, hope everything would run smoothly for the coming semesters to come. A new phrase of life I would say. Wish me luck!
Reversible--- signing off @ did you notice my disappearance or you just thought nothing of it?