Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007!!

alright, before the yr ends, u might just wanna do some reflections on some happenings this yr.. for me, this marked the end of my army life, entering a new phrase of civilian life once again. met someone special.. hopefully, it will go smoothly from this yr to the coming 2007. been thru quite a lot of ups n downs.

converted back to civilian.
made some costly mistakes.
widen my perceptions.
got my precious driving license.
nox's ONE year old.
made some good frens.
found someone special.
adapted myself to diff kinda lifestyles.
many more things to reflect on.. maybe i'll take some time tonight to think thru.

anyway.. wishing all of u who r reading this an advance Happy Year New 2007!! may it be a better year for everyone! =P

reversible---signing of @ goodbye 2006, and hello to 2007!!